Indagine sull’evoluzione del ruolo del Direttore Generale
Indagine sull’evoluzione del ruolo del Direttore Generale
29 Marzo 2022
Dear HUMANE Member,
I am delighted to attach a copy of our Survey Report "Different contexts, same challenges in European Higher Education: The role of Heads of Administration”. I would like to thank members who responded to the Survey, and who took part in interviews with the Survey team.
The Survey highlights key changes that have occurred in university governance in the last decades. These have impacted on our role and position in university executive teams. There is ongoing pressure to deliver on complex strategic agendas, new demands are made constantly on our institutions, and new challenges emerge every day. The selected national systems illustrate shifts in our position, to more diffuse roles, yet also more strategic ones. The report helps us gain better insights within HUMANE on your position, that we will address in our portfolio of activities.
You can download the PDF version of the report: here
I hope that you will enjoy the reading and I am looking forward to future conversations with you on changes in university leadership and management during our various events. We can share and learn from each other, which is the great value that HUMANE can offer, as a network of professionals in higher education.